What to Do If the Sharemarket Crashes
The 1987 share market crash known as "Black Monday" wiped out fortunes as many investors lost their life savings. Those of a generation who were around back then will be well aware of what can happen when you place all your eggs in one basket as many investors did. I mean there were stories of investors borrowing money to purchase shares using the value of their shares as collateral. When the markets went down, the value of their shares were a fraction of the money owed on the borrowed money. The 1987 crash was the worst crash since the 1929 Wall Street crash. There were almost 60 years between 1929 and 1987 so investors need to reassure themselves that another crash may not fall within their lifetime. So what should investors do when the markets are falling? Here are my 5 tips: 1 KEEP CALM Do not fret, markets go up and down like a rollercoaster. Treat the markets as a long term investment. If you are young then you have time on your side. There is time for you to recover ...